
I had the most amazing acupuncture facial last night at In-Symmetry Wellness Spa with Rachael L. Webb and Elizabeth Markham. Who knew you could fix scarring and wrinkles by putting needles in your ears!? If I do say so myself, my skin looks amazing:) I may not wear concealer today for the first time in years…


From the moment you walk in the door, your treatment with Rachael is a wonderful, (dare I say magical?) experience! In Symmetry is a lovely, modern yet cozy, sunlit space that just feels good as you walk in. you’ll fill out some paperwork (get these ahead to speed up the process!)

things only get better once you reach Rachel Webb’s treatment room, awash in calming light and smelling sweetly of the day’s custom aromatherapeutic blend. you and she sit down to discuss YOU, inside and out. in my case were were focusing on my skin’s health, so her intake was an involved exploration into my skin care routine and skin’s history, as well as a traditional TCM interview. she listens thoughtfully and responds honestly. once she’s formulated her diagnosis and treatment plan, it’s time for you to relax. (needle-phobes take note! she is quite excellent at gauging the comfort level of the her patients). once the needles are in, the lights dim, the soft music hums, and she steps out to let your body do its thing.

upon Rachael’s return, she removes the needles, and then the fun begins. those lovely aromatherapeutic oils you smelled upon entering? prepare to have them become part of your treatment! with her loving hands on your calves, feet and shoulders, any iota of stress that might still exist will just melt away.

I promise you will glow (inside AND out) when you leave. I promise you will feel deep relaxation. I promise you will want to go back. I certainly will!


Rachael’s accupuncture is an integral part of my healing process.   Many times she’s been instrumental in helping me with my physical and spiritual health.  I’ve been to many accupuncturists, but never someone I trust as much as Rachael.  Her studio is modern, yet has a warm touch. Rachael is a true healer!


Changed my mind about acupuncture!

“I experienced acupuncture once before Rachel, and it was terrible. Not only was it impersonal but my pain worsened! With Rachel, we started with an extremely detailed discussion about my lifestyle and body. Once we decided what to work on, Rachel knew what to do! She explained each step and took care of two of my health problems in one session. I walked out feeling great! The next day, my pain still remained at bay! Totally changed my mind about acupuncture. I highly recommend Rachel L. Webb!”


“Never been so relaxed after an acupuncture session! Usually by minute 15 I am ready to hop off the table, but with Integrating Beauty I could have laid there for an hour. The aromatherapy was fantastic, a perfect end to a great session. I felt amazing afterward and still do. So happy I found you :)”

Integrating Beauty acupuncture

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