About Integrating Beauty

To integrate means:  to make into a whole by bringing all parts together, to unify.

This synergy happens inside your body. By healing yourself on the inside, you naturally become more radiant & beautiful on the outside.  It’s like removing the pebble from your shoe.  Immediately you are comfortable and confident as you engage with the outside world.  

And this does us all a favor.  By being more comfortable in your body, your interactions with others are less strained, less hurried – more conscious.

“As Within, so Without”

Beauty is more than skin deep.  True beauty radiates from the depth of your being.  Modern women take on so many responsibilities that they often feel overwhelmed, with little time for themselves.  This leads them to look for a quick fix to feel beautiful on the outside, but they still feel stressed and frazzled on the inside.

By combining Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, and modern Skin Care, the body and the emotions are brought back into balance, allowing you to look and feel more confident, more beautiful – more YOU.  

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About the Practitioners

Rachael Webb, LAc

“There is nothing more exciting & empowering than a happy professional woman.”

– Gabrielle Bernstein

Rachael Webb, LAc, is a California licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Facial Enhancement Acupuncturist, and  Collaboration Catalyst.  Rachael provides specialized care for professional women through Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, and Facial Acupuncture services.

Somewhere there is an unspoken rule that equates beauty with success. Rachael believes that by healing yourself on the inside, you naturally become more radiant & beautiful on the outside, a confident magnet for happiness and success.  

Rachael has been working with Aromatherapy and Essential Oils for over 9 years.  She incorporates the use of Aromatherapy into most of her Acupuncture sessions.  One of her specialties is her ability to formulate a custom blend of Essential Oils that can address your specific issues on a physical, mental, and emotional level.

Rachael  has been working in the Spa and Wellness industry for eight years.  Studying many different types of facial acupuncture and Asian beauty techniques, she saw a correlation between the results these ancient modalities were trying to achieve, and the goals of modern beauty treatments.

Currently Rachael is looking to expand her integrative treatments by working with other professional skin care providers, to design innovative, collaborative beauty treatments.

“Let’s make the world more beautiful together.”

Contact Rachael 


  1. Hey Rachael! Great blog!! How can I get a session? Where are you located? Call me!

    hae min

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