Monthly Archives: November 2012

More Updates coming soon!

Good morning Beauties!

I hope you survived Black Friday, and if you did brave the crowds, at least you got some awesome stuff!

I just wanted to take a moment this morning to acknowledge how grateful I am for your  readership.  I keep tabs on you all through the analytics on my site, and I love to see what you’re interested in, and what you’re reading most.  🙂

I know the 5 Step Asian Skin Care Routine is one of your favs, and I’ve been working on a new post that’s the 5 Step REMIX!  I’ve added new products into my routine, and let me tell you lovelies, the results are amazing!

I’ve also been working on an entirely new aesthetic for the site, that I’m REALLY excited to show you! I’m going to keep working hard on it to get it finished up in the next week – I’m sure you’re going to love it.

Thank you Thank you Thank you for visiting and for reading my blog posts.  Truly you all inspire me, each and every day.  ❤

