The Dreaded 11’s, The Hanging Needle, or Frown Lines – More Chinese Face Reading

Frown Lines

Frown Lines

Frown Lines, The Dreaded 11’s, Eyebrow Furrows or Creases, The Bitch Stamp, Glabellar Furrows, The Hanging Needle or The Hanging Blade, many of these terms are used to describe the vertical lines that can sometimes form between your brows as you age.  These are the lines that many people think of when they think of getting Botox treatments.  Many people come to my practice asking if we can do something about these lines, and we can.  However, it’s a good idea to take a look at the root of the problem rather than just treating its outward manifestations.  Admittedly they are unattractive, but these lines have a lot to say about how you deal with emotions such as anger and frustration, and issues surrounding your personal power.

Jean Haner writes in her book The Wisdom of Your Face,

The most common are two small vertical lines.  These can indicate a tendency toward anger or frustration – or at least impatience or irritability.

If you think about it, if you squinch your eyebrows together (yes, I just said squinch), and try to make a “mad face” or a “confused face” these lines will begin to appear.  If you make this face unconsciously over time, the lines will become etched into your face.  They can also come from concentrating intently on your work over extended periods of time.  It definitely pays to bring more awareness to your expression as you work, taking a moment to come back into your body.

It has been said in Chinese Face Reading, that if you have a procedure such as Botox or fillers to remove the lines on your face, it does create a brief window of time in which the underlying emotions that caused the lines in the first place, can be addressed.  However, if the emotions of anger, frustration, or too much tension go on untreated, you will continue to make the corresponding expression that caused them initially, rendering the external treatments ineffective.  If nothing has been resolved on the inside, lasting change on the outside will be impossible.

In Chinese Face reading, a small single line down the center of the space between your brows is referred to as The Hanging Needle or The Hanging Blade.  

When you see this in your face, it indicates an issued with your personal power.  It can mean that you didn’t feel fully empowered by your dominant parent or weren’t allowed to show your anger earlier in life.  It could be that you were ruled by a parent or authority figure who had anger issues.  If your father was frequently absent or not emotionally available to you as a child, this could also cause this mark. (The Wisdom of Your Face)

If you have this mark, you may have issues surrounding your personal power and how you assert yourself in the world.  You may feel as if you are always being taken advantage of by others, or encounter difficulty as you strive to find the energy to achieve full success in your life.

Hanging Blade

The Hanging Blade

If the vertical furrow between your brows is more than just a little shallow it’s called The Hanging Blade, and indicates similar issues, but on a more serious level.  You may have issues with frustration, suppressed rage, impatience, or reactivity – there is a major blockage that needs to be addressed!

Jean Haner writes,

With both the Hanging Needle and the Hanging Blade, the belief is that at some point in your life, the needle or blade will “drop” and stop you in your forward progress until the issues is dealt with.  If you aren’t accessing your power fully or using your potential, you can only go so far in life.

The other day I saw a man with the BIGGEST Hanging Blade I’ve ever seen – and I’ve been looking for it!  I immediately began looking for other clues about how he might feel about utilizing his personal power in his life.

The Wisdom of Your Face

The Wisdom of Your Face by Jean Haner. Find her on her website or on Facebook.

Pretty crazy stuff right?!  Do you or someone you know have frown lines?  Did you hear any truths ringing clear as you were reading the text above, or do you completely disagree?  OR have you had a transformational experience in your life that lead to the erasure or lessening of these lines on your face?

In the comments below, I’d love to hear your responses or any questions you might have on the topics covered in this article. 

With Love and Gratitude,



About Integrating Beauty

Helping professional women who feel overwhelmed by life, find a sense of inner peace and confidence that allows their true beauty to radiate from within.

Posted on October 30, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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