ICES – International Congress of Esthetics and Spa

Last month Elizabeth and I were fortunate enough to go to the International Congress of Esthetics & Spa in Long Beach, CA.  We had such an amazing time, and had the good fortune to meet lots of wonderful people who are really excited about the work that we are doing together.

Besides for geeking out on super girly stuff like Zoya Nail Polish and Cailyn eye pigment, we went to lots of really amazing classes.  The first one was Melanogenisis and the Pigmentation Response by Joan Tomeu from PCA Skin.  It was so informative!  Hyperpigmentation is something that many people struggle with – including myself.  Joan talked about UV induced hyperpigmentation, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Our next class was one of my favorites!  Cassie Miller-Hart lead the Hydropeptide seminar on Peptides and Stem Cell Growth Factors.  They passed around each product – and by the end of the seminar the backs of my hands were fully rejuvenated. 🙂   Seriously though, the product line is amazing – and steeped in science and research.  The company is only 8 years old, and is family owned.  When we went to the booth inside the convention to follow up with Cassie, she was the only woman at the booth  – the rest were guys who all had backgrounds in science – I was so impressed!

I purchased the lip treatment – not because I want to improve my lips really – but because the results were SO pronounced in the before and after photos, I HAD to try it out just to see!  I also picked up their SPF 30 treatment which has won Prevention mag’s 2010 Defy Your Age Beauty Award.  This moisturizer is SO COOL.  It has tiny little capsules of pigment that color-adjust to your skin tone, to provide light coverage as well as SPF.  Really, I can’t tell you how amazing the entire line is – I may have to write a whole other post on it soon!  I can’t wait until I can work with an Esthetician who uses Hydropeptide – I am certain the results will be astounding!

The next day we went to Patti Biro‘s class on Special Events Marketing.  We were overwhelmed by good ideas!  The added bonus was Patti’s ability to convey all these really great tips slowly and thoroughly.  We’ve actually already used some of her ideas in a recent event and it was a huge success.

The final class we attended was another one by Joan Tomeu.  We just thought she was so well spoken and informative that we had to go to a second class by her.  This one was on Building Business and Profit Through Relationships.  More amazing ideas.  Jean was very thoughtful in her depiction of how to provide a successful initial patient consultation.  I am already incorporating some of her recommendations in my consultations, and feeling more confident.

Besides for all of this amazing information, the convention was held in Long Beach, and our hotel was about a 1.5 mile walk (on the beach!) from the convention center.  Walking home with our feet in the ocean was the best way to end a day of running around filling our brains with the latest beauty treatments, products, and technologies.  🙂

I am so very grateful I had the opportunity to attend the International Convention of Esthetics and Spa, and I’m definitely looking forward to going back next year!

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About Integrating Beauty

Helping professional women who feel overwhelmed by life, find a sense of inner peace and confidence that allows their true beauty to radiate from within.

Posted on October 14, 2012, in Education, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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