Acupuncture for Skin Care in the News

Cosmetic Acupuncture, Facial Acupuncture, Facial Enhancement Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Acupuncture Facelift, AcuFacial – these are some of the terms being used to describe when an acupuncturist uses needles to benefit the skin – and recently, all these types of acupuncture for skin care are getting a lot of coverage in the news.

Most recently, Good Morning America did a segment on AcuFacial, a new treatment from Shellie Goldstein, a New York area acupuncturist.

Goldstein says,

“We are taking your face to the gym, we’re exercising it.  We have muscles in our body, we have muscles in our face, there is no other procedure that actually exercises the muscles and improves circulation in your skin.”

“The biggest thing has been my skin looks so clear and I rarely wear any makeup on my face, I have a nice glow to my face, my eyes don’t look tired or puffy,” she said. “I’ve noticed a lot of tightening especially in the jawline area, lift around the eyes … people look at me and say something is different but they don’t really know what and it’s all from the AcuFacial.”  – Alyson Halter, AcuFacial patient

So, how is what we do here at In-Symmetry, The Acupuncture Facial, different?

Other types of acupuncture for skin care are performed only by an acupuncturist – who is generally not a licensed esthetician and is not using professional skin care products.

The Acupuncture Facial is different because it is performed by two different practitioners who are experts in their field.

Rachael Webb, LAc, FEA and Elizabeth Markham, LE have developed what may be the most effective anti-aging treatment around.  Together they both focus on enhancing the health of your skin – one from the inside, the other from the outside.  By balancing the body’s systems internally, and using professional skin care products externally, the patient feels beautiful inside and out.

“As within, so without.”

Through this collaboration, each practitioner is allowed to excel in her particular area of focus.  Rachael does the acupuncture.  Elizabeth does the facial.  Together they are producing remarkable results, and patients are loving it.

Read more about the details of the treatment here.

Call In-Symmetry today to schedule your Acupuncture Facial – before we fill up!



About Integrating Beauty

Helping professional women who feel overwhelmed by life, find a sense of inner peace and confidence that allows their true beauty to radiate from within.

Posted on September 3, 2012, in Acupuncture, Skincare, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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