Monthly Archives: July 2012

Beauty Rule #1: Remove the Pebble

One of the most common responses I get when I tell people I’m an Acupuncturist and I specialize in Skin Care and Women’s Health is, “Acupuncture for your skin?!”

The answer is YES!

Integrating Beauty Facial Acupuncture


Beginning as early as 960 – 1279AD, during the Song Dynasty, there is a long history in Chinese Medicine of various beauty treatments that were used for the Empress and the Emperor’s concubines.  “Mei Rong” or the practice of using Acupuncture for beauty enhancement, is similar to regular acupuncture, in that your acupuncturist will still ask you a lot of questions (some of which may seem unrelated to your skin), take your pulse and look at your tongue.

The main difference is that additional points are added on the face.  These acupuncture points are chosen to help facilitate the flow of blood and nutrients to the areas of focus, this increased blood flow can also stimulate the fibroblasts in the area.  Fibroblasts are one of the cells found in connective tissue that produce collagen and elastin.  Collagen gives your skin strength, and elastin enables the skin to stretch and bounce back to it’s original shape.

The needles used on the face are much finer and smaller than regular acupuncture needles (which are about as thin as a piece of your hair, or a cat’s whisker).  Some of the needles specifically used for wrinkles, age spots, or acne scars – are so small I have to use tweezers to put them in!

Integrating Beauty Facial Acupuncture


The other awesome thing about Facial Acupuncture is that it’s kind of like getting a Two-For-One deal.

I once read that if you are ever walking down the street and you have a pebble in your shoe, you should immediately stop and remove it, because you never know who you will meet walking down the street, and if you have a pebble in your shoe there will invariably be a grimace on your face – fashion faux pas!  No one wants to meet the love of their life, the person who will end up facilitating a windfall business deal, or your new mother-in-law wearing a grimace!

Facial Acupuncture “side effects”:  

  • Reduced Stress
  • Better Sleep
  • Improved Digestion
  • Reduced Pain
  • More Energy
  • Less Allergies


  • A healthier, brighter complexion
  • Reduced under-eye circles, bags, and puffiness
  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Improved elasticity of facial muscles
  • Increased sparkle in the eyes

That’s the best “Buy One, Get One Free” deal I know about!  

Most patients feel more relaxed and rejuvenated after just one or two appointments (that’s the removing the pebble part).  Research has shown that best results for the Facial Acupuncture are seen after a series of 12 weekly or bi-weekly sessions.  Noticeable results can be seen after the 3rd or 4th treatment, and more considerable results around the 7th or 8th session.

The number of treatments depends on age, skin condition, and lifestyle.
A specific course will be determined for each individual depending on specific needs.


And the Winner is…

The winner of the drawing for the Northern California GreenLife EcoFest is….

Ashley Wasson!

Congratulations Ashley!

Ashley is receiving a free complete Health History analysis (phone consultation) + customized Aromatherapy Blend!

($70 value + free shipping!)

Rachael L Webb, LAc

Using the knowledge of Chinese Medicine and Aromatherapy, customized essential oil blends are made for your specific conditions!

Winner of EcoFest Drawing

The winner of the Northern California GreenLife EcoFest will be announced tomorrow July 3rd at 12:00 noon!

He or she will receive a complete Health History analysis (phone consultation) + customized Aromatherapy Blend!

($70 value + free shipping!)

Best of luck!
