DIY Nourishing Hair Masque

DIY Hair Mask!

Today I finally tried out a DIY Hair Mask recipe I’ve been wanting to do for a while.  The initial recipe called for an avocado, coconut milk, and olive oil.  However, I had a hunch that coconut oil would actually be better for my hair.

I did some research here,  here, and here and decided to switch the olive oil to coconut oil.  I only used half of an avocado, and just kind of eyeballed it for the coconut milk & oil.  I definitely used more than 3 tsp of oil – probably more like 7 tsp.  After warming the coconut milk & oil on the stovetop, I added the 1/2 avocado and used an immersion blender to combine everything.  The result was a beautiful bright green, creamy concoction!  I was very pleased with the consistency.  It was not too soupy, and very easy to apply.

That said – I would definitely recommend applying the mixture over the edge of the bathtub, just to be on the safe side.

After piling my hair on top of my head and catching up on some light reading for about 30 minutes, I proceeded with my normal shower routine and washed my hair as usual.

When I dried my hair I noticed my hair was A LOT softer than normal!  Fantastic!  Even today, after the second washing, my hair still feels very soft.

BOTTOM LINE:  Fabulous mask, very easy to make and use, smells great, and good results!  I wish the softness would last a bit longer, but maybe that will come with time.  Definitely going to do it again!


About Integrating Beauty

Helping professional women who feel overwhelmed by life, find a sense of inner peace and confidence that allows their true beauty to radiate from within.

Posted on April 23, 2012, in DIY, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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