Monthly Archives: April 2012

Facebook Finally!

Integrating Beauty finally has a Facebook page!  Please “like” us!  Click here:  Integrating Beauty

There are loads of great articles there too!



Patrician McCarthy: Using Facial Diagnosis to find your Innate Gifts

“We make things happen by knowing who we are,” says Mien Shiang Institute founder Patrician McCarthy. Drawing on the Taoist technique of medical facial diagnosis, McCarthy illustrates how the ancient art of “face reading” can shed new light on our own strengths and weaknesses, and help us work with others more effectively.

Patrician McCarthy is the first Mien Shiang expert to translate this ancient science for the mainstream American public. She founded The Mien Shiang Institute to teach the Taoist technique of Medical Facial Diagnosis, Wu Xing (the Five Element philosophy), and Face Reading. In 2000, she created the first university Certificate Program on these teachings in the United States. She has served on the faculties of Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Los Angeles, and Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, California.For more than 20 years, Patrician has applied the power of this discipline to the modern world. Through her private practice, she has studied thousands of faces and told their owners the most intricate and personal details of their minds, emotions, health, and spirit. Her workshops have helped many to discover their life’s passion, find their right partner, resolve conflicts, and much more.
For more about Medical Facial Diagnosis click:

5 Step Asian Skincare Routine

Japanese Skincare Revolution

A friend of mine who launched her own skincare line last year just recommended this book.

The Japanese Skincare Revolution is a fabulous book about how to take care of your skin at home, at any age.  The author, Chizu Saeki is an esthetician and beauty consultant in Japan.  She also teaches, writes, and tours to demonstrate her techniques for skin care.

After reading some of the reviews online, I stumbled upon the idea of the “5 Step Asian Skin Care Routine.”  I’ve been caring for my face using these 5 steps for about 4 months now, and even other people are starting to notice a difference!

5 Step Asian Skincare Routine

1.  Double Cleansing

First you use an oil to cleanse your face.  This makes sense since most makeup is oil based.  I like to use coconut oil because it is 1) antimicrobial and gets rid of any bacteria on my face – goodbye acne! and b) because on a molecular level, coconut oil is small enough to penetrate the skin the moisture is actually absorbed – goodbye wrinkles!  Now, this is still a 2-part process.  For the second part of the double cleansing, I use a soap-free moisturizing cleanser.

2. Facial Massage/Mask

Normally I combine the massage step into step 1 when I have the coconut oil on my face.  Massage in a sweeping upward motion until the skin attains a slight flush – this way you know you’ve activated the blood flow to the area, which will help nourish the cells.   About once a week I’ll add in the facial mask step.  You’ll need to use a mask that’s right for your skin type.  Clay masks are better for oily skin, and the lotion mask that Chizu Saeki demonstrates in the video below is amazing!

3. Toner

Now I know a lot of people think toners are obsolete, but seriously what can be better than smoothing your skin with rosewater after you’ve cleansed?  Even the aromatherapy benefits alone are worth it!  Toners help to remove dead skin cells, replenish your skin with moisture after cleansing, and make the absorption of any subsequently applied products easier and faster.

4.  Facial Serum

A facial serum has smaller molecules than a moisturizer.  These molecules penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, brining more nutrients to these important areas.  The consistency is similar to that of a very light lotion or gel.  There are many different types of serums: anti-aging, brightening, and firming are some examples.  Image Skincare makes this Vital C Hydrating Anti-Aging Serum that works great and smells like orange sorbet!  It’s best if you apply the serum and then wait 5-10 minutes before applying your moisturizer.  This gives the serum time to penetrate to the deeper levels of your skin.

(I also like to add in a step here for eye cream!)

5.  Moisturizer

I thought that because I have combination skin I was okay just using a serum, but my esthetician told me otherwise!  A good moisturizer is your best friend, you just have to pick one that’s right for your skin type.  The type of moisturizer may also change depending on the seasons, or climate if you’re traveling.

It might sound like a lot of work at first, but once you establish a routine it won’t seem like a big deal.  The importance of maintaining the routine was made clear to me recently when I was traveling and only took along some facial cleansing wipes.  The overall luster and brightness of my skin was significantly reduced, and I noticed a few black heads and red spots.  Nothing that wasn’t remedied by returning to my routine when I returned home, but still eye opening!

Here’s that fabulous video of Chizu Saeki demonstrating the lotion mask:

Acupuncture: The New Facelift? (WebMD Article)

Informative article from WebMD on Facial Acupuncture.  Here’s an excerpt:

“Acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is designed to free up chi, or energy. When the needles — approximately 30-40 — are applied to the body and face, production of collagen and elastin may be stimulated, says Lucas, and skin is “plumped up.”

By addressing other parts of the body in addition to the face, acupuncture assists the body’s ability to support the “facelift.”

“We’re helping you to be younger — and look younger — by improving your energy from the inside out,” Lucas explains. “This still is TCM — it’s not just about the face; it’s about the whole body.”

“Chinese medicine is the true antiaging medicine,” Lucas says. “It helps your own body create a more youthful appearance.””

Click here to read the full article:


Facial Acupuncture Points